A double dose of terrifying tales, one told tongue in cheek and one… straight down the line!

The North Country Theatre are back in the village hall on Wednesday 15th November (2017) at 7:30pm presenting Nightmares in Norfolk. We look forward to welcoming you for a great night out in the dales.

North Country Theatre presents Nightmares in Norfolk

Oh, Whistle and I’ll Come to You by M. R. James – Adapted by Nobby Dimon

The Signalman by Charles Dickens – Adapted by Simon Corble

Directed by Vivienne Garnett

Simon Corble and Nobby Dimon created the original hilarious adaptation of The 39 Steps which went on to be an international hit. Here they bring different approaches to the challenge of staging the supernatural.

Even the most sceptical, the most rational scientific mind, may have moments– when something happens that seems to defy the laws of nature, when the wild landscapes of our dreams and nightmares seem to intrude on reality, when coincidence seems to be stretched to breaking point.

Tickets: £10 (Under 16 £8)

To book tickets please call us on 01969 663373 or book online at www.northcountrytheatre.com

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